This week has been one of those “salmon days,” as I like to call them. It feels like, no matter what you do, you’re constantly fighting and battling, swimming upstream against the current. And that’s definitely how this past week has felt for me.
People often ask me, “How do you handle it? How do you stay calm and grounded when life is constantly coming at you?” For me, the answer is simple: self-hypnosis. I do self-hypnosis every day. It’s a great tool that reinforces the changes I’ve made and helps me create new ones. It’s like peeling back the layers of an onion—working with the subconscious, improving in various ways, and moving toward our goals. Self-hypnosis is crucial for that process.
People also ask, “What exactly is self-hypnosis?” I’m glad you asked, because today I’m going to tell you all about it. This video will be your ultimate guide, so watch till the end, and you’ll have all the tools you need to start your own self-hypnosis practice. I encourage you to do it daily, even multiple times a day if you can. It doesn’t have to be long—15 minutes is great during the day, and then another session at bedtime. If you struggle with sleep, self-hypnosis can be particularly beneficial.
I used to be the kind of person who could lie there for 20 minutes to an hour without falling asleep. Now, I don’t even think about it. I’ll just go into trance, and I’m out in four or five minutes. The more you practice, the easier it becomes, and the better you get at it. Self-hypnosis is a skill, like any other; it’s mental muscle memory. Today, I’m going to show you everything you need to know to start doing this yourself. You’ll learn to guide yourself into trance, give yourself suggestions, and start making the changes you want in your life.
So, let’s dive in!
A common question is, “What’s the difference between working with a hypnotist and doing self-hypnosis?” When a hypnotist guides you into trance, it’s a different experience than doing it yourself. I find it easier to take my conscious mind out of the equation with a hypnotist. Even though I do self-hypnosis regularly, there are times when I go to a hypnotist for an extra push on certain things.
Self-hypnosis, in my view, is daily maintenance, while seeing a hypnotist is like pressure washing—really blasting through the gunk. With self-hypnosis, you won’t need the heavy-duty cleaning as often, because you’re not allowing the dirt to build up as much.
If you meditate, self-hypnosis is similar but distinct. Meditation aims to quiet the mind, while hypnosis focuses on something specific you want to change. Hypnosis is a state of heightened focus and suggestibility, where we move the conscious mind aside to bring the subconscious to the forefront, allowing us to communicate directly with it. It’s a powerful tool for connecting with the subconscious, the part of us that controls our habits, emotions, and reactions.
And remember, like all hypnosis, you’re in control the entire time. You decide what you want to focus on, what your goals are for the session, and how long you want to stay in hypnosis. If something requires your attention, you can instantly bring yourself out of it.
### Why Practice Self-Hypnosis Daily?
Practicing self-hypnosis daily builds self-awareness, reduces stress, improves focus, and boosts motivation. It’s a great tool for centering yourself, especially when you have multiple projects or goals competing for your attention. Self-hypnosis helps you prioritize, relax, and let your subconscious guide you to the most important task at the moment.
It also helps with goal achievement and confidence-building. The changes may start small, but they compound over time. Self-hypnosis is about taking control and creating the changes we want in our lives. It helps you build mental resilience, realizing that you are not your thoughts or emotions—they’re simply messages you can choose to react to or not. That control is a huge benefit of self-hypnosis.
1. Setting the Intention
This is where you decide what you’re going to work on and how long the session will be. This intention serves as the foundation for the session. For example, “I’m going to enter hypnosis for 20 minutes to improve my confidence and will emerge feeling energized and refreshed.” This clear intention gives your mind a specific target.
2. Induction
The induction is the method you use to guide yourself into a hypnotic state. This could involve progressive relaxation, focusing on relaxing different parts of your body one at a time, or something simpler, like pressing down with your hands and letting your eyes close.
3. Deepening the Trance
Deepening, or stabilizing, the trance ensures your subconscious mind is fully engaged. You might count backward, visualize going down a staircase, or use eye fractionation (opening and closing your eyes a few times). Depth doesn’t matter for change work; it’s about creating a stable focus for your subconscious.
4. Suggestion
This is where you plant the seeds of change. A good suggestion is specific, positive, and in the present tense, like “I choose to feel calm and in control in any situation.” The clearer and more positive the suggestion, the more effective it will be. Avoid negative phrasing, as the subconscious doesn’t process it well.
5. Emerging
This is when you come out of hypnosis. I recommend counting from 1 to 5 to gently bring yourself back to full awareness. If something interrupts your session, quickly counting from 1 to 5 can help you avoid a “hypnotic hangover.”
I highly recommend practicing self-hypnosis daily. Regular practice builds a strong foundation and makes each session more effective. Over time, you’ll notice faster changes and more control over your mind and emotions. Remember, hypnosis isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. Start with small, incremental changes, and you’ll see amazing results over time.
So there you have it—the ultimate guide to self-hypnosis! I hope this has been helpful. If you want to know more about how a hypnotist can help you reach your goals, book a consultation with me and let's talk! Don’t forget to check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more content on self-hypnosis and personal growth. Until next time, I’m Evan Baumgardner from Elliott Bay Hypnosis in Seattle, Washington.
In the beginning
For far too long, I had a bad case of the "sposetas." I was living my life based on what I thought I was "sposeta" do, and not living for myself. When there is a conflict between the emotional and logical mind, the emotional mind will always win. This is when I first started struggling with anxiety - because I wasn't living my life in a way that was authentic to myself. So I changed, and I thought I had those old anxiety issues under control until...
And then..
In 2014, I had Bell's palsy, and things never went back to normal. I had basically given up on life. My anxiety went through the roof and I would have constant panic attacks any time I went out in public, so I quit going out. I barely ever saw my friends, became agoraphobic, and gained a ton of weight. Which of course made everything much worse! I didn’t just lose all hope - I lost myself.
My Breakthrough
I knew that wasn't who I was, and eventually enough was enough. I was determined to take back control of my life, and no longer be a prisoner of anxiety. That is how I discovered hypnosis. Thanks to hypnosis, I was able to take back control of my life and not only regain my confidence - but dramatically increase it. Now, the very idea of having a panic attack is as foreign to me as it was before I ever even heard of the term let alone experienced one.
Why I Do What I Do
I became a hypnotist because nobody should have to go through what I did on my journey. And if there is a silver lining to it then that is I can use the wisdom I gained to give others the tools they need to keep growing and succeeding - so I can help others free themselves from whatever old stories they've been telling themselves that kept them stuck. Nobody should have to go through what I did and I want the world to know that nobody has to.
Use this section to address concerns someone might have about YOU - which they think makes you unique, special, or have super powers? Explain to them that you are just a person. You are human just like them and if YOU can do it, so can they. It doesn't take magic or mystical wisdom to achieve success and victory.
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